If I took everyone elses advice, I would be getting ready for the upcoming semester in graduate school. I, however, did not take anyone elses advice. I took my own.
My name is Meredith. I am 23 years old. I live in WI with my fiancee, Sam. We are not the perfect couple. We fight just like everyone else does. But we love each other. We have yet to set a date for our wedding. Perhaps some time before we die?
I am an Alpha Xi Delta. I love to dance, play tennis, and spend time with my family and friends. I have friends all over the U.S.
My closest friend lives a few miles away. My furthest away friend is in Maine.
My family drives me absolutely crazy. They live as close as a few miles away. My furthest away is Georgia. They're all over everywhere too.
This blog is going to be about anything and everything. Who knows where I'll go next. Any ideas? I'm open to thoughts about what I should blog about next!
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